A community for all

Community is Essential

Pride is more than a day of the year, or a yearly celebration, it is a collevtive soul of our community.

This doesn’t happen overnight, but it MUST happen to see changes in our county.

We are excited about creating monthly events and opportunities for us all to come together.

Our Mission Statement:

Rutherford County Pride is mutual aid organization dedicated to fostering inclusivity, support, and empowerment within the LGBTQ+ community of Rutherford County and beyond. Our mission is to create safe and affirming spaces where LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies can thrive, connect, and build community. Through mutual aid initiatives, advocacy efforts, and monthly events, we strive to cultivate an environment of acceptance, understanding, and celebration of diverse identities. Together, we work towards a future where all members of the LGBTQ+ community feel valued, respected, and free to live authentically in Rutherford County.

Community is a lifeline for LGBTQ+ individuals, providing a safe haven where they can express their true selves without fear of judgment or discrimination. It offers vital emotional support, connecting people with shared experiences and helping to combat feelings of isolation and loneliness. In these spaces, individuals can access resources, guidance, and education on LGBTQ+ issues, fostering personal growth and empowerment.